She captures ordinary scenes of everyday life, objects of value and the natural landscape. Each image in her portfolio features photographs that depict a distinct location, purpose, or individual, that reflects a way of life that comprises the essence of the culture and its legacy. Narratives of the Adriatic is more than just a gallery of photographs. The images allude to a broader, more profound sentiment and aspiration: the want for interpersonal connection, a sense of belonging, a connection to our collective past, and the desire to advance beyond it.
Tina is a South African-born, Croatian-based photographer, who explores her interest in self-expression through fine art photography. Herein, her love for the visual and deep insight into human needs fuels her desire to create images that offer a unique experience of the natural world.
Tina has travelled to Russia to capture the salmon run, wild bears and landscapes, and the 'Ring of Fire' volcanoes. She also had the privilege of travelling to the Svalbard archipelago region in the Arctic to capture the polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, reindeer, and other wildlife. Tina's various trips to Iceland gave her the opportunity to capture its green landscapes, volcanic black beaches, diamond ice beaches and icy glaciers. She has also spent time photographing the landscapes and wildlife of regions in Southern Africa such as South Africa, Botswana and Namibia. Tina's Fine Art series, Narratives from the Adriatic, captures the cultural habits and experiences of the villagers and townsfolk who have lived along Croatia's Adriatic coastline for centuries.